Textile Art Community Art Space (TACAS) is a not-for-profit incorporated community membership organisation.

The artists and makers at TACAS reclaim and re use discarded textiles and found objects. We create artworks using household and industrial waste as well as natural materials. We challenge ourselves to find new ways to use what others discard.

Located in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne, our Heidelberg West studio complex is occupied by artists and makers from a range of disciplines who work together to create a community of like-minded creatives.

We participate in local activities, exhibit and sell members’ work.

Everyone’s welcome – artists, makers & community members

  • We believe everyone is creative. Joy comes from making things with your hands.

  • We provide a space where people can make, mend, upcycle and share their skills.

  • We save beautiful textiles from landfill. Through the things we make, we show that discarded materials are precious resources.

  • We aim to attract visitors to the area by putting Banyule on the map as Australia’s most vibrant place for art made from recycled materials.

Here’s just some of the creative activities TACAS has been involved with…


Re-con-text (2015)
Tactile (2016)
Turbulence (2017)
Unfinished Business, Hatch Gallery (2018)
Hoodling, Bell Street Mall (2018)
Fashion Parade, Bell Street Mall (2018)
Banyule Open Studios, Loft 275 (2022)
Gail McCall Retro 80, Loft 275 (2023)

Community Activities

World Wide Knit In Public Day
The Banyule Olympic Banner Project
Welcome Flags for Harmony, Malahang Festival
Common Threads Tent, Malahang Festival
Dream Catcher Children’s Workshops, Arty Farty
Montmorency Eco Festival


Strand by Me Idahobit Project commissioned by Banyule Council

Community Workshops

We hold regular workshops where TACAS members and guests share their skills with community members of all ages.

Sustainable Art Workshop Series, TACAS Studios

Wet felted beads, flowers and bangles for children, Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub Community Festival, 2022


Monthly Makers Market at TACAS Studios

TACAS Maker's Market outside our Heidelberg West Studio

TACAS Maker’s Market at our Heidelberg West Studio

Would you like to become a member? Click here to find out more and join us.